MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC endringer til det bedre

A lean strategy in human mistake prevention


Typical applications

Mitsubishi Electric's Guided Operator Solutions offer a wide array of ergonomically designed terminals and can be deployed in many industry areas that include; automotive, logistics, semiconductor and life science sectors.


Picking is a key area where production efficiency can be improved and where product quality can be enhanced. Guided Operator Solutions significantly reduce overall man-hours, eliminate mistakes in parts picking, and also reduce operator fatigue.

Parts replenishment

Parts replenishment is another area where mistakes can occur, and these can have knock-on effects in quality control in assembly. Guided Operator Solutions identify exactly where parts need to be replenished and ensure that correct parts are added to the bin.

Production cell

The ‘cell production’ model for assembly is becoming common at plants focused on ‘high mix, low volume’ production, with a single operator responsible for the complete assembly of a product. Guided Operator Solutions can eliminate mistakes at source reducing the risk of re-work on the product.


Kitting out a tray with components for a subsequent manufacturing process requires an operator to pick a number of parts from a number of different bins, following detailed work instructions for components and quantities. Guided Operator Solutions ensure the right components are added to the kit box in the right quantities, saving time and reducing mistakes.

Tangible benefits

Mitsubishi Electric’s Guided Operator Solutions not only significantly reduce the risk of quality issues occurring in manufacturing processes, but they also can be deployed in a diverse range of industry sectors where the benefits can be identified by both managers and operators.

Before implementing Guided Operator Solutions

After implementing Guided Operator Solutions

With the Mitsubishi Electric Guided Operator Solutions in place, the automation system guides the worker to the correct parts bin by simply lighting an indicator next to the correct picking location, or by opening a shutter and requiring an operator acknowledgement of the successful pick of the correct part. Picking becomes not only inherently more reliable and mistake-free but also much faster, so both quality and overall productivity improve.

A totally integrated solution


The design of the Guided Operator Solutions has been based on simplistic concepts.
  • Terminals can be installed directly on pipe racking.
  • Dedicated cables for easy and cost-saving wiring
  • Intuitive connectors for fast installation of networks
  • Software allows easy configuration, programming and maintenance.


The sheer variety of the terminals available makes Mitsubishi Electric’s solution suitable for almost any application.
  • Photoelectric sensors allow high picking speeds.
  • Push button and lever type feedback actuators for more cost sensitive applications
  • Terminals with opening/closing doors physically prevent picking mistakes.
  • Devices with a display "count" enable assemblers to pick multiple parts from the same picking location.


At the heart of the Guided Operator Solutions are Mitsubishi Electric controllers with dedicated masters communicating with the network of terminals.
  • Controllers range from simple FX series to more advanced modular L series, Q series or iQ-R series PLCs.
  • Devices such as bar code scanners, electric screwdrivers or vision systems can be easily connected to the controller.
  • Mitsubishi Electric’s intuitive GOT HMIs clearly display work instructions.
  • Drive and robotic technology can be integrated into the manufacturing cell.


Often assembly tasks must fit into the wider operational environment of the plant, where connectivity to ERP and MES systems is imperative.
  • Connectivity to multiple picking applications over CC-Link and CC-Link IE networks
  • High speed data communication enables synchronisation of tasks.
  • MES technology connects enterprise systems to manage resources and output in real time.

Terminal options

Guided Operator Solutions offer a variety of terminal types, they range from a simple LED and push button device through to door operated terminals. Options for lever switch and photoelectric terminals are also available.


Masters and gateways

Poka Yoke = mistake prevention

Poka Yoke is a method of eliminating mistakes in a manufacturing or logistics operation at source before they can occur. Based on the principles of Poka Yoke, a Japanese term that translates as ‘mistake prevention’, Mitsubishi Electric have developed their integrated Guided Operator Solutions.
