MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC endringer til det bedre
Equipped with the AI technology of Mitsubishi Electric “Maisart”, the system provides total support for energy saving activities from understanding the current condition, identification/factor diagnosis of energy-losses to effect verification of energy saving measures.

Supporting activities range from management to the reduction of CO₂ emissions and energy use

Management of CO₂ emissions and energy use

Centralized management of data on electricity, water, air, gas, heavy oil, and more! Management available even with limited function edition.

Analysis of causes of energy loss

Our proprietary AI technology can be used to automatically extract energy losses! Support provided by AI diagnosis edition after analysis.

Diagnosis of energy loss factors

Automatically determine energy loss factors and display rankings. Estimated effects of improvements can also be checked!

Verification of effectiveness of energy conservation measures

Simply select a period of time to check the effects of improvements before and after implementing energy conservation measures!

Energy Saving Support Software EcoAdviser Introduction

1. Management: Visualization of CO₂ emissions and energy use

Keep track of energy using an extensive range of graphs. EcoAdviser makes it much more efficient to conduct energy conservation activities like creating reports and various daily tasks that had previously been completed using spreadsheet software. It also leverages visualization to assist with initiatives implemented at workplaces, and can help raise awareness by boosting understanding.

Creating dashboards is an effective way to highlight information to company members!

  • Identify CO₂ emissions and energy use by each department and process
  • Understand areas of improvement in energy conservation, etc.
  • Make dashboard easily by putting graphs and results of energy-loss factor diagnosis on it
  • Show the dashboard at the production site to improve the energy saving awareness of the employees.

Screen designs can be created at will for each customer!

2. Analysis: Automatic extraction of energy loss at production facilities

An approach that focuses on five key areas of energy conservation perspectives by drawing on Mitsubishi Electric's know-how developed over many years, and automatically identifies energy loss from each of these perspectives.

Five key areas of energy conservation

  1. Production equipment start-up to start of production time
  2. End of production to production equipment shutdown time
  3. Utilities* time loss:
    ・Utilities start-up to production equipment start-up time
    ・Production equipment shutdown to utilities shutdown time
  4. Specific units from start of production to end of production
  5. Ratio of time with no production from start of production to end of production

    * Auxiliary equipment that operates in tandem with production equipment (e.g., ventilation fans, mist collectors, compressors, etc.)
Energy Loss Diagnostic Screen
  1. Diagnosis period
    Energy losses can be extracted by simply selecting the period for diagnosis.
  2. Ranking display
    Automatically ranks equipment in order of energy loss.
  3. Five key areas of energy conservation
    Energy loss for each of the five key areas of energy conservation is displayed for each day.
  4. Energy loss extraction screen
    The energy loss time (unit: minutes), specific unit requirement, and ratio of production loss time for each day are displayed on a single screen, with the worst day highlighted.

3. Diagnosis: Energy loss factors

Date, time, and production information is used to rank items correlating with factors causing energy loss, and presented together with the effects of expected improvements

What is energy loss factor diagnosis?

This refers to items that are closely associated with days when energy losses are greater than normal. 

Factors closely correlating with energy loss such as date and time, equipment and so on are prioritized in terms of potential for reducing losses through recommended countermeasures.

Diagnosis resultsMeasures based on results of diagnosis
MondayRevise the start-up/shutdown times of the associated equipment at the start of the week.
Start-up 6 AMRemind employees not to start-up equipment unnecessarily early in the morning.
250 units produced on the dayRevise the production plan, as losses are higher on days with low production quantity.
Energy Loss Factor Diagnosis Screen
  1. Diagnosis of energy loss factors
    Factors that are closely correlated with energy loss are automatically identified and ranked using AI (day of the week, start-up time, production quantity, etc.).
  2. Effects of expected improvement
    The estimated improvement effect is automatically calculated and displayed in monetary terms.
  3. Evaluation of diagnosis results 
    User evaluations are reflected in the results of subsequent diagnoses. Evaluations are ranked higher if they are useful, and are displayed higher in the list.
  4. Presentation of advice
    Comments and graphs that could be useful for improvements are presented.

4. Verification: Effectiveness of energy conservation measures

By simply selecting the period before and after the improvements were made, the amount of electricity usage, electricity consumption charges, and energy loss before and after the measures were implemented can be checked easily.

Before/After Energy Conservation Measures Effectiveness Verification Screen
  1. Diagnosis period
    Effectiveness can be verified by simply selecting the period before and after the improvements were made.
  2. Effects of improvements on the amount of electricity usage and the reduction in electricity charges
    Comparisons can be made on an electricity usage and monetary basis. 
  3. Effects of improvement from an energy conservation perspective
    The energy loss of selected energy conservation perspectives can be compared.

Product Line-up

Limited function edition

Energy conservation analysis application

Graphs and reports for analysis purposes can be created based on collected data, to better understand the current conditions.

Main Functions:

  • Create analysis graphs
  • Create dashboard
  • Create forms

AI diagnosis edition

Energy conservation analysis and diagnosis application

In addition to visualization of collected data, effective energy conservation activities can be achieved with energy loss extraction and factor diagnosis using AI.

Main Functions:

  • Create analysis graphs
  • Create dashboard
  • Create forms
  • Extract energy loss
  • Diagnose energy loss factors
  • Verification of effectiveness of energy conservation measures

Case Studies

Below videos are showing the gains we are achieving by using the EcoAdviser solution in our own factories.

Centralized Precision Machine Management with ICONICS SCADA Software

EcoAdviser, in conjunction with ICONICS SCADA software, enables centralized and precise machine management. ICONICS SCADA software collects and monitors real-time data from sensors and components attached to machines, including energy consumption and production volumes.

EcoAdviser then analyzes this data, providing users with valuable insights that can serve as the first step in energy-saving activities.

Conversion software connects ICONICS and EcoAdviser

The conversion tool automatically converts the latest measurement data output from GENESIS64 into a format that can be collected by EcoAdviser. Data is output from GENESIS64 and converted using this software without any user input required.

Additionally, this software converts past measurement data output from GENESIS64 into a format that can be collected by EcoAdviser.

New step on Smart Manufacturing Kaizen Level

Integrated Energy Management Solutions

At Mitsubishi Electric, we offer advanced Energy Meters and our powerful EcoAdviser software. However, we believe that providing standalone components isn't enough to meet the complex needs of modern energy management.

Our Proposal: An Integrated System

Rather than offering separate components, we propose a comprehensive "integrated system" that seamlessly combines our energy solutions. By integrating with ICONICS, we can deliver a robust system for energy monitoring and analysis.

Unlocking New Possibilities

We are dedicated to exploring new opportunities for energy management solutions using EcoAdviser. Our goal is to help businesses optimize their energy usage, reduce CO2 emissions, and achieve their sustainability targets through innovative, integrated systems.
