MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC endringer til det bedre
Automating the World - a Global Approach
Mitsubishi Electric; “Automating the World” to create “Changes for the Better” for all.

High Tech for More Quality of Life

Technological progress is the motor of change in modern life. For over 100 years Mitsubishi Electric has been contributing to this process with state-of-the art technology, innovation and high-quality products. As an international company we are committed to the ongoing improvement of technology solutions - for more progress and more quality of life - in keeping with our motto Changes for the Better.

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Mitsubishi Electric – A World Leader

Mitsubishi Electric is one of the world's leading manufacturers of electrical engineering and electronics products. The company is active in over 120 countries in aerospace, semiconductors, power generation and distribution, communications and information technology, consumer electronics, industrial automation and building services. 

Fakta & Statistikk

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Tokyo Building,
2-7-3, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8310, Japan

  • Established: January 15, 1921
  • Employees: more than 145,000 world-wide


Over 40 år med suksess i Europa

Navnet Mitsubishi Electric er synonymt med innovative produkter av høy kvalitet - både innen fabrikkautomasjon og i andre sektorer. Programmerbare logiske styringer, CNC-styringer, drivløsninger, industriroboter og elektriske utladningsmaskineringssystemer fra Mitsubishi Electric regnes som ledende innen sine områder og har bidratt til suksessen vi har hatt i Europa i over 40 år.

Brukere i alle bransjer drar fordel av våre gjennomprøvde og pålitelige produkter, tilpassede løsninger og omfattende service og support. Mitsubishi Electric har avdelinger over hele Europa og vårt omfattende nettverk av forhandlere i EMEA garanterer enestående kundeservice og rask levering over hele Europa, Midtøsten og Afrika. Factory Automation EMEA har sitt europeiske hovedkvarter i Ratingen nær Düsseldorf, Tyskland. Det er en del av Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. som har vært representert i Tyskland siden 1978, et heleid datterselskap av Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan. Factory Automation EMEA administrerer salg, service og støtte på tvers av sitt nettverk av lokale filialer og distributører i hele EMEA-regionen.


Origins of a Multinational Company

The story of Mitsubishi began in 1870, when Yataro Iwasaki founded a shipping company in Osaka with three leased steamships. In the years that followed Mitsubishi expanded to become a multinational company through acquisitions and the establishment of new enterprises in other sectors, including mining, shipbuilding, banking, commerce and property. In 1921, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation was formed by spinning off the division for the production of electrical equipment for ships. Today Mitsubishi Electric has factories, R&D centers and sales organizations in over 120 countries worldwide.

The three diamonds logo is famous as the trademark of Mitsubishi Electric and over forty other international companies active in finance, commerce and industry. The logo has a direct relationship to the company name. Mitsubishi actually means "three diamonds" - it is a combination of the words Mitsu (three) and Bishi (stone or diamond). Just like the name Mitsubishi, products and services bearing the three diamond logo stand for state-of-the-art technology and first-class quality all over the world.


Your Career at Mitsubishi Electric

Mitsubishi Electric is one of the world's leading companies in the electrical engineering and electronic sector. Our success is made possible by our dedicated and highly-qualified employees working in a very broad range of different fields.

If you are interested in a career with Mitsubishi Electric we can offer you a choice of attractive positions with exemplary social benefits.