MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC endringer til det bedre

High-performance embedded PC for scalable automation and drive systems

Producers in mechanical and systems engineering, in Power & Energy, Transport & Traffic, in medical engineering and the automobile industry, in production and manufacturing engineering and in other industrial applications need robust and reliable but scalable hardware for their drive technology solutions.

In conjunction with e-Factory Partner Tec AG, Mitsubishi Electric offers a solution based on embedded PC hardware. These modular and compact emPCs are complemented by displays from the scalable emVIEW product range and therefore offer a broad spectrum of application options ranging from simple control systems to systems with integral operator interface.

Thanks to the modular design, solutions based on emPC systems are highly flexible and can be easily adapted to suit the customer’s requirements. This enables performance and type of interface to be designed for the most economical use with applications ranging from simple single axes to scenarios with several synchronised axes.

MELSERVO systems can be controlled via both EtherCAT and an SSCNET connection.

Features of the emPC family

  • Reduced maintenance as most emPCs have no fans and work with CompactFlash media.
  • The emCONTROL soft PLC environment can be used as a fully fledged, real-time control system which enables both simple and complex drive engineering tasks to be accomplished.
  • Excellent price/performance ratio
  • The high-quality, robust system hardware is designed for a long service life.

Janz Tec