MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC endringer til det bedre
Ikke bare den raskeste, men også den sikreste og mest miljøvennlige. MELSERVO introduserer de nyeste servoforsterkerne basert på et konsept med harmoni mellom menneske (brukervennlighet og sikkerhetsfunksjoner), maskin (høy ytelse) og miljø (energibesparende).
Mer informasjon

Safe, user-friendly and energy-efficient

The MELSERVO MR-J4 series of servo amplifiers and the associated positioning units, simple motion modules and high-end motion control systems from Mitsubishi Electric enable machine builders and end customers to increase production safety and improve productivity.

The MR-J4 amplifier series has been developed for the automation requirements of tomorrow. Mitsubishi Electric has incorporated numerous innovative and user-friendly functions to minimise the time-consuming and elaborate matching of mechanical and electronic systems.

The absolute encoder which is fitted as standard has a resolution of 22 bits. This corresponds to more than 4 million pulses/revolution. The result is excellent true-running characteristics and a maximum positioning accuracy and processing speed which more than satisfy the performance requirements of modern high-end machines.


  • Single, dual and triple-axis amplifiers for improved economy, energy efficiency and cabinet space
  • Operation of rotary motors, linear motors and direct drive motors with a single unit
  • Safety at all times – STO (Safe Torque Off) and SS1 (Safe Stop 1) in accordance with EN 61800-5-2. SS2/SOS/SLS/SBC and SSM options available
  • MR-J4-TM with Multi Network interface (EtherCAT, Profinet, Ethernet/IP) for open connectivity with third party motion systems

Flexible motor selection

Another highlight of functionality and flexibility is the possibility of connecting different motors to the MR-J4 amplifier. The servo amplifier can be conveniently and easily used with rotary motors, linear motors and also direct drive motors.

User-friendly software

The MR Configurator2 programming tool allows convenient commissioning and diagnostics. Calibration, monitoring, diagnostics, reading and writing of parameters and test operation can be carried out easily on a standard PC. MR Configurator2 ensures a stable machine system, optimum control and short set-up times.


En 2/3-akses servoforsterker som er kompatibel med SSCNETIII/H og oppfyller sikkerhetsstandarder. Utstyrt med et allsidig (puls- og analog inngang) grensesnitt.

Roterende servomotor

Spesifikasjoner for HG-KR/HG-MR/HG-SR-serien: 4 millioner pulser/omdr. enkoder, 200 V AC-klasse og motorkapasiteter som spenner fra 50 W til 7 kW.